Massive fire destroys St. Paul business #business #CrimePublicsafety #Fire #Mn #News #RamseyCounty #St.Paul #US Massive fire destroys St. Paul business #america #business #CrimePublicsafety #fire #mn #News #RamseyCounty #St.Paul #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USA
Crow Wing County #MN
JFC. Sheriff lets the County Commissioners know that they'll cooperate w/Feds wrt to ICE detainee requests, in defiance of the MN AG's statement, even though the county lost revenue this year + other counties are reporting there is little to no recompense for the expense of detaining people for ICE.
The Sheriff deflects w/whinging about lack of MH facilities & folks being housed in jails for too long.
As if those situations are comparable.
Youth-run BIPOC business creates healthy desserts in north Minneapolis #business #HennepinCounty #minneapolis #Mn #News #US Youth-run BIPOC business creates healthy desserts in north Minneapolis #america #business #HennepinCounty #Minneapolis #mn #News #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USA